Make Your Plants Happy – Blue Daze Care Guide

Welcome to our Blue Daze Care Guide, where we’ll share valuable tips and insights on growing and maintaining these beautiful blue flowers. If you’re looking for expert advice on how to care for Blue Daze plants, you’ve come to the right place. With our comprehensive Blue Daze plant care tips, you’ll be able to ensure the optimal growth and health of your plants.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, our Blue Daze maintenance guide will provide you with all the information you need to keep your plants thriving. From detailed instructions on growing Blue Daze flowers to expert tips on pruning and fertilizing, we’ve got you covered.

So, if you’re ready to transform your garden with these stunning blue beauties, let’s dive into the world of Blue Daze care and discover how to make your plants happy!

What is Blue Daze?

Blue Daze, scientifically known as Evolvulus glomeratus, is a beautiful perennial plant that can be grown as a ground cover in the garden. It produces lovely blue flowers and has silvery green leaves. In cooler regions, it is commonly grown as an annual. Blue Daze is native to Brazil and Paraguay and can reach a width of up to 12 inches and a height of 3 feet. It blooms from late spring until the first frost and attracts butterflies and bees. The flowers close up on cloudy days or in the evening.

Blue Daze is a stunning plant with beautiful blue flowers that can brighten up any garden.

Blue Daze is a versatile plant, often used as a ground cover due to its ability to spread and fill in large areas. Its trailing growth habit allows it to cascade over edges of containers or hang beautifully in hanging baskets. The plant’s blue flowers are one of its most defining features, adding a pop of color to any landscape. The silvery green leaves provide a lovely contrast to the vibrant blue flowers.

In regions with milder climates, Blue Daze can be grown as a perennial, coming back year after year. However, in colder regions, it is often grown as an annual, adding a touch of color to summer gardens.

Blue Daze Facts Description
Scientific Name Evolvulus glomeratus
Plant Type Perennial (annual in colder regions)
Flower Color Blue
Foliage Color Silvery green
Height Up to 3 feet
Width Up to 12 inches
Blooming Season Late spring to first frost
Light Requirements Full sunlight
Attracts Butterflies and bees

Blue Daze’s ability to thrive in full sunlight makes it an ideal plant for sunny areas of the garden. Its low-maintenance nature makes it a popular choice for beginner gardeners or those looking for a fuss-free addition to their landscape. Whether used as a ground cover, in containers, or as an indoor plant, Blue Daze is sure to bring beauty and joy to any space.

Blue Daze Care

Blue Daze, also known as Evolvulus glomeratus, is a low-maintenance plant that can bring vibrant blue flowers to your garden. To ensure the health and beauty of your Blue Daze plant, it’s important to provide the ideal soil conditions, appropriate lighting, and proper watering.

Ideal Soil

Blue Daze thrives in acidic, well-drained soil. It can tolerate a neutral pH, but prefers a more acidic environment. To achieve the ideal soil conditions, mix organic matter or compost into the soil to improve drainage. This will help prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. Ensure that the soil is moist but not waterlogged.

Lighting Needs

Full sunlight is crucial for the optimal growth and flowering of Blue Daze. The plant requires at least eight hours of direct sunlight per day. If you’re growing Blue Daze indoors, place it near a south-facing window where it can receive ample sunlight. Providing adequate lighting will help promote blooming throughout the growing season.

Watering Requirements

Blue Daze is a drought-tolerant plant that can withstand some dry periods. However, it’s important to keep the soil consistently moist, especially during hot summer days. Water deeply and thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Mulching around the base of the plant can help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.

Lighting Watering Soil pH Special Care
Full sunlight (at least 8 hours a day) Keep soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering Preferably acidic, well-drained soil Prune regularly to promote new growth

By providing the ideal soil conditions, proper lighting, and adequate watering, you can ensure the health and beauty of your Blue Daze plant. Remember to prune regularly to promote new growth and maintain a compact shape. Blue Daze is a stunning and low-maintenance plant that will bring joy to any garden.

How to Propagate Blue Daze?

If you want to expand your collection of Blue Daze plants or share their beauty with friends and family, you’ll be pleased to know that propagating Blue Daze is relatively simple. There are two primary methods for propagating Blue Daze: using seeds or cuttings.

Propagation Method 1: Seeds

Propagation from seeds is a common and straightforward method for growing Blue Daze. Here’s how:

  1. Collect mature seeds from your existing Blue Daze plants or purchase them from a reputable nursery.
  2. Prepare a seed tray or small pots with well-draining soil mix.
  3. Sow the Blue Daze seeds on the soil surface and gently press them down. Keep in mind that they require light for germination, so don’t bury them too deep.
  4. Mist the soil to ensure it stays moist but not saturated.
  5. Place the tray or pots in a warm and sunny location, such as a greenhouse or a sunny window sill.
  6. Seed germination typically takes around 10-14 days. Once the seedlings have developed a few sets of true leaves, they can be transplanted into individual pots or directly into the garden.

Propagation Method 2: Cuttings

Another effective way to propagate Blue Daze is through stem cuttings. Follow these steps:

  1. Take a 4-6 inch stem cutting from a healthy Blue Daze plant. Make sure it has a few sets of leaves.
  2. Remove the lower leaves from the cutting, leaving only a few sets of leaves at the top.
  3. Dip the cut end of the stem in a rooting hormone to promote successful rooting.
  4. Prepare a pot with well-draining soil mix and make a hole with a pencil or a similar tool.
  5. Place the cutting in the hole and gently firm the soil around it.
  6. Mist the cutting and cover it with a plastic bag or a propagator to create a humid environment.
  7. Put the pot in a warm and bright location, avoiding direct sunlight.
  8. After a few weeks, you should start seeing new growth, indicating successful root development. Once the cutting has established roots, you can transplant it into a larger pot or directly into the garden.

Remember to provide proper care and attention to the newly propagated Blue Daze plants to ensure their healthy growth and development.

Propagation of Blue Daze

Propagation Method Advantages Disadvantages
Seeds – Easy and cost-effective
– Can produce a large number of new plants
– Seeds are readily available
– Germination time can be longer
– Not all seeds may germinate
Cuttings – Faster propagation method
– Can produce genetically identical plants
– Ensures desirable traits
– Requires more skill and attention
– Success rate may vary

Blue Daze Varieties

Blue Daze, scientifically known as Evolvulus glomeratus, offers a range of varieties that gardeners can choose from. Each variety has its own unique characteristics and charm, adding to the overall beauty of this stunning plant. Let’s explore some popular Blue Daze varieties:

Hawaiian Blue Eyes

Hawaiian Blue Eyes is a captivating Blue Daze variety that boasts vibrant blue flowers reminiscent of the morning glories found in Hawaii. This variety thrives in full sun and sandy, well-drained soil. With its eye-catching blooms and lush foliage, Hawaiian Blue Eyes is sure to be a showstopper in any garden or landscape.

Dwarf Morning Glory

Dwarf Morning Glory is another delightful Blue Daze variety known for its compact growth and sky-blue flowers. This variety is perfect for containers, borders, or as a ground cover. Its smaller size makes it versatile and easy to incorporate into any garden design. With proper care, Dwarf Morning Glory will reward you with an abundance of beautiful blooms.

Whether you choose Hawaiian Blue Eyes or Dwarf Morning Glory, both Blue Daze varieties bring an enchanting touch of blue to your outdoor space, creating a picturesque and vibrant atmosphere. These varieties, along with others, add a touch of elegance and beauty to any garden or landscape.

Blue Daze Diseases and Pests

While Blue Daze is generally a hardy plant, it can still encounter some diseases and pests. One common issue is the pythium fungus, especially if the soil becomes waterlogged. To prevent this, ensure proper drainage and avoid overwatering the plant. If you notice signs of pythium fungus, such as wilting or yellowing leaves, you can treat it with a fungicide specifically designed for this type of fungus.

“Proper drainage and avoiding overwatering are key in preventing pythium fungus in Blue Daze plants.”

Another common pest that can affect Blue Daze is fungus gnats. These small flies are attracted to the moist soil and can cause damage to the plant’s roots. To control fungus gnats, allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering again and use sticky traps to catch the adult flies. Additionally, shore flies can also be a nuisance to Blue Daze plants. These flies are often found near water sources and can infest the soil. To control shore flies, avoid overwatering and remove any decaying plant material from the soil surface.

Pest and Disease Control for Blue Daze

Here are some effective measures to control diseases and pests in Blue Daze:

  • Ensure proper drainage to prevent soil waterlogging and the development of pythium fungus.
  • Avoid overwatering the plant to discourage the presence of fungus gnats and shore flies.
  • Use a suitable fungicide to treat pythium fungus if it appears.
  • Allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering again to control fungus gnats.
  • Place sticky traps near the plant to catch adult fungus gnats.
  • Remove any decaying plant material from the soil to minimize the presence of shore flies.

By following these preventive measures and promptly addressing any issues that arise, you can keep your Blue Daze plants healthy and thriving.

Blue Daze Diseases and Pests


Blue Daze, scientifically known as Evolvulus glomeratus, is truly a stunning plant that will captivate any gardener with its beautiful blue flowers and low-maintenance nature. Whether you choose to grow it as a ground cover, in containers, or even as an indoor plant, Blue Daze will bring vibrant beauty to your garden.

With its preference for acidic, well-drained soil and full sunlight, Blue Daze is easy to care for. It can tolerate some drought, making it a resilient choice for any garden. Additionally, this plant is resistant to pests and diseases, further enhancing its low-maintenance appeal.

To keep your Blue Daze looking its best, regular pruning and fertilizing are essential. By promoting new growth and maintaining its compact shape, you’ll ensure that this stunning plant continues to flourish year after year.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a beautiful plant that requires minimal effort, Blue Daze is the perfect choice for you. Its stunning blue flowers and low-maintenance nature make it a must-have addition to any garden. So why wait? Start growing Blue Daze and enjoy its beauty today!


What are the care requirements for Blue Daze?

Blue Daze prefers acidic, well-drained soil and full sunlight. It can tolerate some drought and should be watered to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Pruning and fertilizing are important for promoting new growth and maintaining its appearance.

How can I propagate Blue Daze?

Blue Daze can be propagated from seeds or cuttings. Seeds can be sown indoors before the final frost, while cuttings can be rooted in moist soil in summer or the following spring.

What varieties of Blue Daze are available?

Blue Daze is available in various varieties, such as Hawaiian Blue Eyes and Dwarf Morning Glory. Hawaiian Blue Eyes has blue flowers and thrives in full sun and sandy, well-drained soil. Dwarf Morning Glory has compact growth and sky-blue flowers, making it suitable for containers or as a border plant or ground cover.

What diseases and pests can affect Blue Daze?

Blue Daze is relatively disease-free but can be susceptible to fungal problems like pythium fungus if the soil remains waterlogged. Common pests that can affect Blue Daze include fungus gnats and shore flies.