Common Issues of the Bird Of Paradise Plant

The Bird of Paradise plant, also known as strelitzia, is a tropical plant that is known for its large leaves and stunning flowers. While it can be a beautiful addition to any indoor or outdoor space, it can also face a number of common issues.

Some of the most common problems with Bird of Paradise plants include root rot, curling leaves, leaflessness, brown edges/tips, leaf splitting, yellowing leaves, top heaviness, legginess/growing too tall, and failing to flower. These issues can arise due to factors such as improper watering, low humidity, insufficient light, and pest infestations.

However, with proper care and attention, these issues can be resolved, allowing your Bird of Paradise plant to thrive.

Troubleshooting Bird Of Paradise Plant Issues

When it comes to troubleshooting Bird of Paradise plant issues, there are several solutions that can help resolve common problems. By understanding the underlying causes and implementing the appropriate remedies, you can ensure that your Bird of Paradise plant thrives and remains healthy. Here are some troubleshooting tips to address specific issues:

Root Rot:

If you notice root rot in your Bird of Paradise plant, which is often caused by overwatering, it is important to take immediate action. Trim the affected roots and repot the plant using a well-draining potting mix. This will help prevent further damage and promote healthier root growth.

Curling Leaves:

When your Bird of Paradise plant’s leaves start to curl, it may be a sign of underwatering or low humidity levels. Ensure that you provide regular and sufficient watering, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Increasing humidity can also alleviate this issue. You can mist the leaves or use a humidifier to create a more suitable environment for your plant.


If your Bird of Paradise plant becomes leafless, it may be due to various factors such as low humidity, shock from transplanting, old leaves, pests, diseases, or light deprivation. To prevent leaflessness, maintain proper humidity levels, provide adequate watering, and ensure your plant receives sufficient light. Regularly remove any old or diseased leaves to promote healthy growth.

These are just a few examples of common Bird of Paradise plant issues and their corresponding troubleshooting tips. By addressing these problems promptly and providing the necessary care, you can help your Bird of Paradise plant thrive and flourish in your home or garden.


The Bird of Paradise plant is a stunning tropical addition to any space, but it can face its fair share of issues. From root rot to curling leaves, leaflessness to brown edges, this plant requires proper care and attention to thrive. By troubleshooting these common problems and providing the right solutions, you can ensure your Bird of Paradise plant remains healthy and vibrant.

To address root rot, trim affected roots and use a well-draining potting mix. For curling leaves, increase watering and humidity levels. Leaflessness can be prevented with proper watering, nutrients, and light exposure. Brown edges or tips can be avoided by using filtered water, maintaining humidity, and moderate fertilization.

Leaf splitting, yellowing leaves, top heaviness, and excessive height can be resolved with proper support, watering, lighting, and nutrients. And if your Bird of Paradise plant fails to flower, ensure it gets enough sunlight or consider purchasing a more mature plant.

By following these troubleshooting tips and providing the care your Bird of Paradise plant needs, you can overcome any challenges and enjoy the beauty of this tropical wonder. Stay vigilant in monitoring and maintaining your plant, and you’ll be rewarded with a thriving Bird of Paradise that brings joy to your home or garden.


What are some common issues with Bird of Paradise plants?

Common issues with Bird of Paradise plants include root rot, curling leaves, leaflessness, brown edges/tips, leaf splitting, yellowing leaves, top heaviness, legginess/growing too tall, and failing to flower.

What causes root rot in Bird of Paradise plants?

Root rot in Bird of Paradise plants is often caused by overwatering. To prevent further damage, trim the affected roots and use a well-draining potting mix.

What causes curling leaves in Bird of Paradise plants?

Curling leaves in Bird of Paradise plants may be caused by underwatering or low humidity levels. Providing regular and sufficient watering, as well as increasing humidity through misting or using a humidifier, can help alleviate this issue.

Why is my Bird of Paradise plant leafless?

Leaflessness in Bird of Paradise plants can occur due to various factors, such as low humidity, shock from transplanting, old leaves, pests, diseases, or light deprivation. Proper care, including proper watering, adequate nutrients, and sufficient light exposure, can help prevent leaflessness.

What causes brown edges or tips on Bird of Paradise leaves?

Brown edges or tips on Bird of Paradise leaves can be caused by chlorine or salt in the water, over-fertilization, underwatering, low humidity, fungal infections, or insufficient light. To address this problem, use filtered water, maintain proper humidity levels, and fertilize moderately.

How do I prevent leaf splitting in my Bird of Paradise plant?

Leaf splitting in Bird of Paradise plants can be resolved through proper care, including providing adequate support, adjusting watering and lighting conditions, and ensuring proper nutrient levels.

Why are my Bird of Paradise leaves turning yellow?

Yellowing leaves in Bird of Paradise plants can be caused by various factors, such as overwatering, underwatering, nutrient deficiencies, pests, or diseases. Proper care, including adjusting watering and providing adequate nutrients, can help address this issue.

What should I do if my Bird of Paradise plant is growing too tall or top-heavy?

If your Bird of Paradise plant is growing too tall or top-heavy, provide adequate support, such as stakes or trellises, to prevent the plant from toppling over. Adjusting watering and lighting conditions can also help control the plant’s growth.

How can I encourage my Bird of Paradise plant to flower?

If your Bird of Paradise plant is failing to flower, it may be due to insufficient light or the plant’s age. Providing adequate sunlight and purchasing more mature plants can help promote blooming.