How to Propagate False Aralia: A Step by Step Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on propagating False Aralia! If you’re looking for the best methods, step-by-step instructions, and essential techniques for successful propagation of False Aralia, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or a beginner, we’ve got you covered with tips and tricks to help you propagate False Aralia with confidence.

False Aralia, also known as spider aralia or threadleaf aralia, is a popular houseplant native to New Caledonia. Its slender leaves arranged in the shape of a hand make it a visually striking addition to any indoor space. However, propagating False Aralia can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through the process.

False Aralia: Origin, Flowering, and Properties

The false aralia, scientifically known as Dizygotheca elegantissima, is a popular houseplant that belongs to the Araliaceae family. This elegant plant is native to New Caledonia and is known for its slender, dark green leaves that resemble the shape of a hand. Some varieties of false aralia, such as the ‘Bianca’ variety, have leaves with a creamy white edge, adding a touch of elegance to its appearance.

While false aralia plants can bloom, the blossoms are typically inconspicuous and do not attract much attention. However, it’s the stunning foliage that makes this plant a favorite among indoor gardeners. The false aralia thrives in a location with morning or evening sun and prefers temperatures between 19 to 25 °C. In order to ensure optimal growth, it also requires high humidity.

“The false aralia, with its slender, toothed leaves and striking appearance, is a beautiful addition to any indoor space.”

When it comes to its properties, false aralia is not only a visually appealing plant but also offers several benefits. It has been found to improve indoor air quality by removing toxins and pollutants, making it a great choice for those concerned about the quality of the air they breathe. Additionally, the false aralia has a calming effect and can help create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in your home or office.

Origin Flowering Properties
New Caledonia Inconspicuous blooms Air-purifying and calming

Whether you’re looking to add a touch of elegance to your indoor space or reap the benefits of an air-purifying plant, the false aralia is a wonderful choice. With its origin in New Caledonia, inconspicuous blooms, and air-purifying properties, this plant is sure to bring beauty and tranquility to your home.

Growing False Aralia: Location, Soil, and Care

False aralia plants thrive in a location with morning or evening sun, but they should be protected from direct midday sun. They prefer temperatures around 19 to 25 °C in summer and a minimum temperature of 15 °C in winter. The plant requires well-draining soil with a layer of drainage material at the bottom of the pot. Plantura Organic All Purpose Compost is a suitable option as it retains water well and allows air to reach the roots. False aralia plants should be watered once the top layer of soil is dry and should be misted regularly to maintain high humidity. Fertilize the plant every fortnight during the growing season using a liquid fertilizer with high potassium content.

Location for False Aralia

When choosing a location for your false aralia, consider the plant’s preference for morning or evening sun. Place it near a window where it can receive indirect sunlight during these times of the day. However, make sure to protect it from direct midday sun, as it can scorch the delicate leaves. If you notice that the plant’s leaves are turning brown or yellow, it may be getting too much sunlight and should be moved to a shadier spot.

Soil for False Aralia

False aralia plants require well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. Use a mixture of Plantura Organic All Purpose Compost and perlite to improve drainage. The compost retains water well, providing moisture to the plant’s roots, while the perlite helps to create air pockets in the soil, allowing oxygen to reach the roots. Add a layer of drainage material, such as small rocks or broken pottery, at the bottom of the pot to further enhance drainage.

Care for False Aralia

Proper care is essential for the health and well-being of your false aralia plant. Water the plant thoroughly once the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. Mist the plant regularly to maintain high humidity, especially during dry winter months when the air tends to be drier. False aralia plants benefit from regular fertilization during the growing season. Use a liquid fertilizer with a high potassium content every fortnight to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

What to Do If False Aralia is Dropping Leaves?

If you notice that your false aralia plant is dropping leaves, it could be a sign that something is not quite right with its care. Here are some common reasons for false aralia leaf drop and the solutions to address them:

Reasons for False Aralia Leaf Drop

  • Lack of humidity: False aralia plants require high humidity to thrive. If the air is too dry, the plant may start dropping leaves. Consider misting the leaves regularly or placing a humidifier nearby.
  • Temperature stress: False aralia plants are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Exposure to temperatures below 15°C (59°F) can cause leaf drop. Ensure that the plant is kept in a warm and stable environment.
  • Overwatering or underwatering: Both overwatering and underwatering can lead to leaf drop. Check the soil moisture level regularly and water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry. Avoid waterlogging the plant’s roots.
  • Incorrect light exposure: False aralia plants prefer locations with morning or evening sun, but they should be protected from direct midday sun. Too much or too little light can cause leaf drop.
  • Nutrient deficiency: A lack of essential nutrients, especially potassium, can cause leaf drop. Ensure that you are fertilizing the plant regularly with a balanced fertilizer.

Solutions for False Aralia Leaf Drop

To prevent further leaf drop and promote healthy growth, consider implementing the following solutions:

  1. Adjust the humidity levels: Increase the humidity around the plant by misting it regularly or using a humidifier. You can also place the pot on a tray filled with water and pebbles to create a humid microclimate.
  2. Maintain stable temperatures: Keep the false aralia plant in a location with a consistent temperature between 19 to 25°C (66 to 77°F). Avoid exposing it to cold drafts or extreme temperature changes.
  3. Water properly: Ensure that you are watering the plant adequately but not excessively. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. Use well-draining soil and avoid waterlogging the roots.
  4. Provide suitable lighting: Place the plant in an area where it receives bright, indirect light or partial shade. Protect it from harsh, direct sunlight that can scorch the leaves.
  5. Feed the plant: Fertilize the false aralia regularly with a balanced, liquid fertilizer. Look for a fertilizer specifically formulated for houseplants and follow the recommended dosage instructions.

By addressing these common causes of leaf drop and implementing the suggested solutions, you can help your false aralia plant regain its health and vitality.

False Aralia dropping leaves

How to Propagate False Aralia

Propagating False Aralia can be done through two methods: cuttings and seeds. Each method has its own requirements and challenges, but with proper care and attention, you can successfully propagate False Aralia to expand your plant collection.

Propagating False Aralia from Cuttings

One way to propagate False Aralia is by taking cuttings from half-ripe shoots. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Choose a healthy False Aralia plant with half-ripe shoots.
  2. Using clean, sharp secateurs, make a clean cut just below a leaf node.
  3. Dip the cut end of the stem into a rooting hormone powder to promote root development.
  4. Prepare a well-draining potting mix and create a small hole with your finger.
  5. Place the cutting into the hole, gently firming the soil around it.
  6. Water the cutting lightly to settle the soil.
  7. Keep the cutting in a warm location with indirect light and high humidity.
  8. Mist the cutting regularly to maintain humidity levels.
  9. Within a few weeks, roots should develop, and you can transplant the cutting into a larger pot.

Propagating False Aralia from Seeds

Another method to propagate False Aralia is from seeds. Follow these steps to propagate False Aralia from seeds:

  1. Gather fresh seeds from a mature False Aralia plant.
  2. Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours to soften the outer seed coat.
  3. Prepare a mixture of sphagnum moss and sand in a sealed container.
  4. Place the seeds on top of the mixture and lightly press them into the surface.
  5. Maintain a temperature of at least 24 °C for germination.
  6. Keep the container in a bright location but avoid direct sunlight.
  7. Maintain moisture levels by misting the seeds regularly.
  8. In a few weeks, the seeds should germinate, and you can then transplant them into individual pots.

By following these propagation methods, you can expand your False Aralia collection and enjoy the beauty of this unique houseplant.

Is False Aralia Poisonous?

False aralia, also known as spider aralia or threadleaf aralia, is a popular houseplant that adds a touch of elegance to any indoor space. However, it is important to note that false aralia is toxic and should be handled with care, especially if you have children or pets in your home.

The toxicity of false aralia lies in its leaves and stems. Ingesting any part of the plant can cause gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. It is advisable to keep false aralia out of reach of curious children and to be cautious around pets, particularly cats, as they are more sensitive to the plant’s toxic compounds.

To avoid any potential skin irritation, it is recommended to wear gloves when pruning or repotting false aralia. If you suspect that your child or pet has ingested any part of the plant or is experiencing symptoms after coming into contact with it, it is important to seek medical attention or consult a veterinarian immediately.

When choosing houseplants, it is always wise to consider the safety of your family and pets. If you have concerns about the toxicity of false aralia or if you want to explore alternatives that are safe for children and pets, consult with a knowledgeable plant expert or look for non-toxic houseplants that can still bring beauty and greenery to your home.

Is False Aralia Poisonous?

The Toxicity of False Aralia: What You Need to Know

False aralia contains toxic compounds that can cause gastrointestinal issues if ingested. It is important to be aware of the potential risks and take precautions to keep your loved ones safe. Here are some key points to remember about the toxicity of false aralia:

  • False aralia is toxic to both humans and pets.
  • Ingesting any part of the plant can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
  • Cats are particularly sensitive to the toxic compounds in false aralia.
  • To avoid skin irritation, it is advisable to wear gloves when handling the plant.
  • If you suspect that your child or pet has ingested false aralia or is showing signs of toxicity, seek medical attention immediately.

“False aralia may be a beautiful addition to your home, but it’s important to be aware of its toxic nature. Keep it out of reach and consider safer alternatives if you have young children or pets.” – Dr. Emily Peterson, Plant Toxicity Expert

Safe Alternatives to False Aralia

If you’re concerned about the toxicity of false aralia and want to explore other houseplant options that are safe for children and pets, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): Known for its air-purifying properties, spider plants are non-toxic and easy to care for.
  2. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens): This palm species adds a tropical touch to any space and is safe for both children and pets.
  3. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata): With its lush foliage, the Boston fern is a popular choice that is non-toxic and relatively low-maintenance.
  4. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum): This elegant plant thrives in low-light conditions and is non-toxic to humans and pets.

When selecting houseplants, always double-check their toxicity level and consider the specific needs of your household. By choosing non-toxic alternatives, you can create a safe and beautiful indoor environment for everyone to enjoy.


In conclusion, propagating false aralia can be a challenging but rewarding process. Whether you choose to propagate from cuttings or seeds, it is important to follow the right techniques and provide the optimal conditions for successful root development.

For cuttings, selecting half-ripe shoots and using rooting hormones can increase your chances of success. Placing the cuttings in a suitable soil mixture and providing warm temperatures and high humidity will promote optimal rooting.

If you opt for growing from seeds, ensure you have fresh seeds and maintain a temperature of at least 24 °C. Soaking the seeds and germinating them in a controlled environment with sphagnum moss and sand will increase your chances of successful germination.

Remember to provide proper care to your propagated false aralia plants, including the right location, well-draining soil, regular watering, and misting to maintain high humidity. It’s crucial to keep in mind that false aralia is poisonous, so handle it with care and keep it out of the reach of children and pets.


How can I propagate False Aralia?

False Aralia can be propagated through cuttings or seeds. For cuttings, select half-ripe shoots and treat them with rooting hormones before placing them in growing soil. For seeds, soak them in water and germinate them in a mixture of sphagnum moss and sand.

What is the best location for False Aralia?

False Aralia thrives in a location with morning or evening sun. However, it should be protected from direct midday sun. It prefers temperatures between 19 to 25 °C in summer and a minimum temperature of 15 °C in winter.

What type of soil does False Aralia need?

False Aralia requires well-draining soil with a layer of drainage material at the bottom of the pot. Plantura Organic All Purpose Compost is a suitable option as it retains water well and allows air to reach the roots.

Why is my False Aralia dropping leaves?

Leaf drop in False Aralia can be caused by incorrect care or an unsuitable location. Factors such as exposure to temperatures below 15 °C, waterlogging, and dry air can contribute to leaf drop. Pruning can also help promote new growth and prevent excessive leaf drop.

How can I propagate False Aralia from cuttings?

To propagate False Aralia from cuttings, select half-ripe shoots and use rooting hormones to increase the chances of successful root development. Place the cuttings in growing soil and provide warm temperatures and high humidity for optimal rooting.

Is False Aralia poisonous?

Yes, False Aralia is poisonous and should be handled with care. It is recommended to wear gloves when pruning or repotting the plant to avoid any potential skin irritation. It is also toxic to cats, so households with cats should consider alternative pet-safe houseplants.